Often I've pondered what it would be to have a conversation with a prominent, deceased author that I admire. What if I could have been good friends with this person? If you could jot a quick note and slide it under the office door of any deceased author, who would you choose? What would you say? What questions would you ask them?
The following is my note to Edgar Allen Poe.
My friends and I gather 'round the
house on Saturdays; some drink themselves under the floor boards, others sleep
it off behind the stucco wall.
Please, do join us! Our
conversation will surely drown out the throbbing of their infernal heart beats.
Yours in Prose,
M.L. Falconer~
Great letter! I'm certain Mr. Poe would join you for a drink LOL
I'd have to write to Jane Austen, simply to ask her if she's rolling around in the grave saying "I told you my stories were good!"
Great idea M.L.!
That would be really something L.J. ... what would artists, who died before their work sparked, say to the world and/or their critics? Fascinating notion. And knowing this, if one of them could come back and possess the body of a new age writer, what new ideas would they conjure up?
Thank you so much for the comment!!
Oh! and I hope Mr. Poe likes Mojitos and Mudslides cause they are my fav! lol.
Well if he doesn't, I do!!!
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